A long list of Brittonic Gods.
Below you will find a more exhaustive list of Brittonic Gods, complete with name meanings, inscriptions and links to writings on them if they have been completed.
List of attested Brittonic Gods.
The list is formatted thusly. Celtic name, God they are synced with (if any) - tribe/s cult was present (RIB inscription number) and name meanings. Note that this list (like most things on this site) is a work in progress, and will undergo changes.
All RIB inscriptions come from this online database https://romaninscriptionsofbritain.org/
Abandinus - Catuvellauni
Alaesiagae - Unsorted
Alatervae Matres - Votadini
Alator Dum(...), Mars - Catuvellauni, Brigantes (RIB 218, 1055) name means huntsman.
Alletius - Brigantes
Ancasta - Belgae (RIB 97)
Andescociuoucus, Mercurius - Trinovantes (RIB 193) possibly meaning ‘the great activator’.
Andicrose - Iceni
Anextlomarus, Apollo - Brigantes
Antenociticus - Unsorted (RIB 1327, 1328) possible the ‘last born’ or ‘the youngest’, or ‘without heat’.
Arciaco - Parisi (RIB 640)
Arecurius - Brigantes (RIB 1123) name could mean ‘of the district of Curia’ or be a transcription error, intending to write Mercurius instead.
Arimanes - Parisi (RIB 641)
Arnomecta - Brigantes (RIB 281)
Ausecus, Faunis - Iceni
Barrex, Mars - Carvetii (RIB 947)
Baudihillia - Unsorted (RIB 1576)
Beda -Unsorted (RIB 1593) related to mars Thincsus
Belatucadrus, Mars - Brigantes, Carvetii, Selgovae, Unsorted
Blotugus, Fauni - Iceni
Braciaca, Mars - Brigantes (RIB 278) name means ‘God of malt’, could be from a locality, as Braciacus is a place name in five places in Gaul.
Bregans - Brigantes (RIB 623) masculine form of Brigantia, God of the high places.
Brigantia, Victoria, Nympha, Caelestis - Brigantes, Novantae, Unsorted (RIB 630, 628, 2091, 1131, 627, 2066, 623) Goddess of the high places
Britannae Matres - Belgae
Britannia - Antonine Wall, Parisi (RIB 643, 2195)
Callirius, Silvanus - Trinovantes (RIB 194)
Camulus, Mars - Antonine Wall
Cautes -Carvetii
Cocidius, Mars, Silvanus - Brigantes, Carvetii, Selgovae, Unsorted
Condatis, Mars - Brigantes, Votadini (RIB 1045, 731, 1024, 3500) name means ‘watersmeet’
Contrebis Ialonus - Brigantes (RIB 600, 610) Ialonus means God of the meadowlands, Contre- meaning come together
Corotiacus, Mars - Trinovantes (RIB 213)
Coventina, Nympha - Unsorted (RIB 1522, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1526, 1527, 1528, 1529, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1533, 1534, 1535)
Cranus, Fauni - Iceni
Cuda - Dobunni (RIB 129) possible mother goddess
Cunomaglus, Apollo - Belgae (RIB 3053)
Dig[...] - Brigantes
Epona - Antonine Wall, Dobunni, Regni, Unsorted (RIB 1777, 2177) horse Goddess
Fersomeri - Carvetii (RIB 926?)
Fimmilena - Unsorted
Friagabis - Unsorted (RIB 1576)
Garmangabis - Brigantes (RIB 1074)
Grannus, Apollo - Iceni, Votadini
Hammia - Unsorted (RIB 1780)
Harimella - Novantae (RIB 2096)
Hueteris - Selgovae
Hueteris - Unsorted
Huiteres - Unsorted
Huitires - Brigantes
Huitires - Unsorted
Huitiris - Unsorted
Ioug[...] - Parisi
Latis - Unsorted (RIB 1897, 2043)
Lenus, Mars - Dobunni, Silures
Loucetius, Mars - Belgae (RIB 140)
Mabomus - Novantae
Magusanus, Hercules - Antonine Wall (RIB 2140)
Maponus, Apollo - Brigantes, Unsorted (RIB 1121, 1122, 1120, 2063, 583) name means chosen son, golden son
Matunus - Selgovae
Medigenus, Fauni - Iceni
Medocius, Campesium Mars - Trinovantes
Mo(g)untis - Carvetii
Mo(g)unus Cad(...) - Selgovae
Mogons - Carvetii
Mogons Vitiris - Selgovae
Moguns - Brigantes (RIB 922, 3334, 1225, 971, 921, 922, 1269, 1226)
Moguntes - Selgovae
Narius, Fauni - Iceni
Nemetona Olludius, Mars - Belgae
Nodons/Nodens/Nudens, Mars - Carvetii, Silures (RIB 305, 306, 307, 616, 617)
Ocelus, Mars - Carvetii, Silures (RIB 310, 949, 309)
Ollototae Matres - Brigantes, Cornovii
Ratis - Unsorted (RIB 1454, 1903)
Regena - Dobunni
Regina - Brigantes
Ricagambeda- Novantae (RIB 2107)
Rigas, Mars - Parisi (RIB 711)
Rigisamus, Mars - Durotriges (RIB 187)
Rigonemetis, Mars - Coritani (RIB 3180) means ‘King of the Sacred Grove’
Riocalatis - Carvetii (RIB 1017)
Saegon, Hercule - Atrebates (RIB 67)
Saternius, Fauni - Iceni
Sattada - Brigantes (RIB 1695)
Sediarum, Mars - Catuvellauni
Setlocenia - Carvetii (RIB 841) name means ‘long life’
Sucabus - Unsorted
Sucelus - Parisi
Sul - Belgae
Suleviae - Belgae, Brigantes, Dobunni (RIB 106, 1035, 105, 151, 192)
Suleviae Matres - Trinovantes
Sulis, Minerva - Belgae
Taranus, IOM - Deceangli (RIB 452)
Thincsus, Mars - Unsorted (RIB 1593) related to the two Alaisiagae, Beda and Fimmilena
Toutatis, Mars - Carvetii, Catuvellauni, Coritani, Iceni, Trinovantes (RIB 219, 1017)
Tridamus - Silures
Unseni - Carvetii (RIB 926?)
Vanauns - Unsorted (RIB 1991)
Vellaunus - Silures (RIB 309)
Verbeia - Brigantes (RIB 635) Goddess of the river Wharfe
Vernostonus, Cocidius - Brigantes (RIB 1102)
Veter - Parisi
Veteres - Brigantes
Veteres - Unsorted
Veteris - Brigantes
Veteris - Unsorted
Vetinis - Unsorted
Vetiris - Brigantes
Vheteris - Brigantes
Vicres - Carvetii
Vinotonus, Silvanus - Brigantes (RIB 732, 733, 735, 736, 737, 3251)
Viradecthis - Novantae (RIB 2108)
Viridius - Coritani (RIB 3170, 3171) name may mean ‘vigorous’ or just/loyal
Viteres - Unsorted
Viteris - Brigantes
Viteris - Unsorted
Vitires - Brigantes
Vitires - Unsorted
Vitiris - Brigantes
Vitiris - Unsorted
Votris - Unsorted