A call for contributors.
If you enjoy this site and what offers and have a passion and drive to contribute to what we are doing here, let us know! Read this article for more information.
Contributors and their links.
Nico Solheim-Davidson
Nico Solheim-Davidson is a poet from the Yorkshire Coast. He specialises in poetry about mythology and religion, having appeared in a handful of anthologies by Three Drops Press and with books to his own name as well. Nico is also the father to several cats, loves chip spice, and believes tea can never be too strong.
http://layofthenorthsea.wordpress.com -
Cuninculos is a poet from the United States, having been a polytheist of various types for the last six years. He's a trans man and proud, and specializes in devotional poetry for deities across the pantheons, usually taking requests for devotional work done for free on his tumblr.
https://ko-fi.com/hesybeses -
Sister Patience
Sister Patience is a nun of Annwn and devotee of Gwyn ap Nudd based in Lancashire. She serves the Brythonic Gods by bringing Their myths and veneration back to the world. Her three books: Enchanting the Shadowlands, The Broken Cauldron and Gatherer of Souls are published by Ritona Press. In 2022 she founded the Monastery of Annwn and took monastic vows.
https://sisterpatience.com -
Drunertos Tarwoknos
Drunertos is a polytheist from Australia, with an interest in devotional religion of all stripes. He is the creator and author of much of the content on Albion and Beyond and is very keen to see the website grow further to include the wonderful work of other polytheists.