About ‘Albion and Beyond’ and Brittonic polytheism.
About us
What is this website and what is it all for?
Albion and Beyond is a site for Brittonic and Romano-British polytheists plus those interested in it, who are seeking resources, information and community. It is connected to a discord server, with the intent of providing a space for working together and building a thriving tradition.
Brittonic polytheism has fewer available resources and information compared to other more popular modern polytheist movements. And due to a deep love of the history, culture and Gods of Britain, we seek to provide a stepping stone for people interested so that this tradition thrives.
Who can partake in this?
Anyone with an interest and love for Britain and its Gods! There are no restrictions based on gender, sexuality, culture, race or nationality. Brittonic polytheism is a welcoming place, and bigots are strictly unwelcome here.
What is the exact focus of this site?
The focus of this site is the polytheist religion of the Britons from approximately 450BCE to ~600CE. In other words, the pre-Roman period, Roman period and post-Roman period.
What exactly is Brittonic polytheism?
Brittonic polytheism is the worship of Brittonic Gods in a Brittonic way, informed by historical study. It implies the adherence to several Brittonic values and customs and the acknowledgement of holidays and mythic cycles.
Why ‘Albion’ and what do you mean by ‘beyond’?
The island of Great Britain has had a few names, firstly Albion, then Prettania and then Britannia. These words have lots of resonance and history, but simply, Albion is the first known name for Britain, it sounds pleasant and has a magical feeling to it. The ‘beyond’ refers both to Britain when it was called other things and the realm of the Gods and other beings that share this realm with us. Therefore Albion and Beyond is about exploring Albion and all of the rich religious and spiritual worlds the Britons interacted with.